Local connection uncovered at project lecture.
latest of our Great War talks was given by Dr Dan Jackson of the
project group on Tuesday evening (22nd)
on the Chaplaincy services in the War. A packed room at the Low
Lights Tavern on the Fish Quay heard a comprehensive review of the
many issues surrounding the role and function of the military
chaplains as they strove to bring comfort to the men at the front.
Sometimes under the critical eyes of the commanders who wished to see
the men infused with a fighting spirit, chaplains often trod a
difficult path between their vocation and their patriotic sentiments;
which on occasions saw them abandon their strictly non-combatant role
and lead men in action when all their immediate officers had fallen
in action.
Jackson noted
comparisons between the chaplains of the Church of England and those
of the Roman Catholic Church. Drawing on a wide range of sources he
quoted the observations of Robert Graves in his famous
autobiographical memoir – Goodbye
to all that, where
criticism of the Anglicans (certainly up to late 1915) was contrasted
with admiration for the Catholic priests who went forward in action
and strove at all times to ensure that their co-religionists had the
rites and comfort of their faith in the hours of extreme danger and
often near certain death.
great importance placed by the High Command on the role of the
chaplains, as they saw
it, was reflected in the undoubted courage and willingness of most
chaplains to endure the hardships of the men and place themselves in
danger alongside the fighting troops. Many of the characters of the
war still remembered today were chaplains. ‘Woodbine Willie’ was
the nickname of the Revd. Studdert-Kennedy (he was always armed with
a packet of the troops’ favourite cigarette); and the Revd. ‘Tubby’
Clayton, founder of the refuge and place for quiet reflection he
established a few miles behind the lines at Ypres – Talbot House in
Poperinghe - where men of all ranks could mix freely and try to
forget, for a brief time, the horrors to which they would have to
‘Woodbine Willie’ the Revd. Studdert-Kennedy
However the
amazing coincidence of the evening came after our speaker had noted
the heroism of a double VC winner – Captain Noel Chavasse of the
Medical Corps and son of the then Anglican Bishop of Liverpool.
Later, during questions a member of the audience noted that she was
the great niece of Chavasse and that her grandfather was Chavasse’s
twin brother, who had served as a chaplain and subsequently himself
appointed as Bishop of Rochester.
public response to our
forthcoming lectures at Northumbria University has been significant
and has already obliged us to seek a larger lecture theatre for these
lectures. Notice of the new venues will be given in this column and
by e-mail when we have determined the likely attendances. To register
your interest to attend any of the lectures from 13th
November onwards (Dr Martin Pugh – Women in the Great War) please
see our website.